Serve Within the Congregation


At St. John, we believe that all believers are members of the body of Christ. The Holy Spirit has equipped each and every member with a unique set of skills, gifts and passions to be used for the building up and edification of His church. We encourage everyone who attends to find ways that they can use their own gifts, talents and resources in the ministry of the congregation. Below you will find a variety of ways you can serve within the church:

  • Our ushers play a vital role in our weekly Sunday gathering. Ushers assist with welcoming people, distributing bulletins, collecting offering and assisting communion flow.

    Think this may be a good fit for you? Reach out to Jon HERE to get involved.

  • Do you enjoy meeting new people and helping them feel welcome in a new place? When you serve in hospitality, you will be stationed at the Connections Center, helping to greet people, welcome guests and answering questions people may have.

    Think this may be a good fit for you? Reach out to David HERE to get involved.

  • Do you enjoy behind-the-scenes service, such as making coffee and setting up tables & chairs? Our Fellowship Team organizes the Coffee & Donut hour each Sunday, which runs from 9:30-10:15AM. They also coordinates occasional potlucks and meals throughout the year.

    Think this may be a good fit for you? Reach out to Lisa HERE to get involved!

  • Our altar guild prepares the elements for Holy Communion in preparation for Sunday morning, as well as Communion Kits that are taken to our homebound members.

    Think this may be a good fit for you? Reach out to Erin HERE to get involved!

  • Administering the Sacraments is a central part of the worship life of St. John. These volunteers assist Pastor Brian in handing out the bread and wine on Sunday morning.

    Think this may be a good fit for you? Reach out to Matt HERE to get involved!

  • Do you have musical gifts that you want to share with the church? There are several ways you can plug in to the music ministry of St. John, including as an organist, in the praise band and more.

    Think this may be a good fit for you? Reach out to Matt HERE to get involved!

  • Do you enjoy singing in a more formal, choral setting? Consider joining our choir or special ensembles.

    Think this may be a good fit for you? Reach out to Carla HERE to get involved!

  • Are you interested in sharing your gift of music with handbells? Our Handbell Choir plays throughout the year at our classic, 8:15AM service. No prior music experience is necessary.

    Think this may be a good fit for you? Reach out to Sandi HERE to get involved.

  • Do you have a heart for the elderly and homebound? Our Visitation Ministry team assists Pastor Brian with caring for those who aren't able to make it to church often.

    Think this would be a good fit? Reach out to Pastor Brian HERE to get involved.

  • Do you have a knack for computers, recording software and/or audio engineering? We are always looking for more people to join our tech team, assisting with our livestream, soundboard, slides and more.

    Think this may be a good fit for you? Reach out to Matt HERE to get involved.

  • Do you have any skills in woodworking, plumbing, construction, lawn scaping or electrical work? Consider joining our building and grounds Ministry Team to help the St. John facility up, running and in top shape.

    Think this may be a good fit for you? Reach out to Cliff HERE to get involved!

  • The leadership structure at St. John consists of our Leadership Team and six subsequent ministry teams that help to organize their respective areas. The six ministry teams are as follows: Finance Ministry Team, Discipleship Ministry Team, Visitation Ministry Team, Stewardship Ministry Team, Worship Support Ministry Team and the Facilities Ministry Team.

    If you are interested in serving in a leadership capacity on one of these teams, please reach out to Jon our President HERE for more information regarding involvement.