Welcome to St. John! We are glad to have you with us. From September through May, we offer several opportunities for Bible Study on Sunday mornings. Our Education Hour takes place at 9:45AM each Sunday, in between our two services.
adult - emmaus room study
This Bible Study - led by Beverly Hohman and Franck Gueder - takes place in the Emmaus Room, located in the office wing of the church (on the south side of the main hallway).
Adult - kairos room study
This Bible Study - led by Pastor Brian - takes place in the Kairos room, adjacent to the rear of the Sanctuary. The topic rotates between seasonal deep-dives into topics, explorations of Biblical themes and Books, and other helpful discipleship materials.
children - sunday school
Our Sunday School - led by a team of volunteers and DCE Jackie Druckhammer - is open for all children from Pre-K through 6th grade. Sunday School takes place in the Lower Level East, located down the ramp at the end of the main hallway (Narthex), through the door and down the hall. A variety of activities, songs, crafts and more compliment our time in Scripture to help kids build, develop and grow in their faith in Jesus and his deep love for them.
Jr. & sr. high - youth Bible study
This Bible Study - led by Dana Yenko & DCE David Schrampfer- takes place in the Youth Room, located in the upper level of the Koinonia Gym. All students in grades 7-12 are welcome to join. This year, our studies will focus on the books of Moses, using the Guiding Word curriculum.