Plan Your Visit


What to expect Sunday

8:15 am | Classic Service

Utilizing our hymnal resources and pipe organ, we incorporate liturgical tradition into practice that meets our worshippers where they are today. In all we do Jesus is honored and we are connected to Christians who have come before us and passed down these rich traditions.

9:15 am | Coffee & Fellowship Begins

Following our classic service, all are invited into our Koinonia (fellowship) hall for a time of gathering and connection over coffee and treats.

9:45 am | Education Hour for all ages

Children, youth, and adults are invited to join in with age-appropriate education opportunities to draw us deeper into an understanding of our faith and connection with our community. Class opportunities vary throughout the year- please visit the display at the Connections Desk by the main entrance to view our current offerings.

11:00 am | Contemporary Service

Our worship band leads us in fresh expressions of our faith, rooted in Scripture and utilizing worship elements that remain true to our Lutheran heritage.

When is Communion served?

Currently, Holy Communion is celebrated each Sunday, alternating between our two worship services.

1st and 3rd Sundays of the month - Communion is offered at the 8:15 am service.

2nd and 4th Sundays of the month - Communion is offered at the 11 am service.

5th Sundays of the month - Communion is offered at both services.

What should I wear?

Whatever you feel comfortable in! We have a wide variety of attire at our services, ranging from full suits to button-downs to T-shirts, a flannel and blue jeans.

Where Should I Park?

You are welcome to park at our front lot (adjacent to Highway 99) and enter through our main entrance, or park in our rear parking lot and enter through our Gym entrance.

Where do my kids go?

We want your family to be able to worship together, so kids & littles are welcomed to stay in worship with us, even if they get a little noisy! Activity bags for children are available at the center entrance to the Sanctuary. We also have a nursery available, located down the hallway by the main entrance. While it is not currently staffed, it is always open. If you would like help or an attendant, just ask our ushers or staff and they will be happy to help you!

The Kairos Classroom, adjacent to the back of the Sanctuary, is equipped with audio feed from the service and is open for parents and children to use during the service.

Got any other questions? Contact us or drop by our Connections Center and we are happy to help!