Serve Within Our World


At St. John, we believe that the body of Christ is a global community, not limited to our individual congregation and context. We strive to participate with Christ’s mission and church throughout the world in the following ways:

  • Four times a year, we partner with World Vision to provide wells and clean drinking water to communities in Africa. Throughout the year, you can collect your spare change and bring it on collection Sundays - either in a "Love Bank" or another container - to be sent to World Vision. Our last collection raised over $900 in change.

  • We partner with Child Beyond International, an organization that aids families and runs an orphanage in Guatemala. CBI works with volunteer groups to assist serving in their orphanage as well as assisting with local housing projects to bless families in San Cristobal connected to the organization. Each year, as a congregation, we partner with CBI to "foster" one of the children in their orphanage, providing all finances required for food, school, counseling, medical and dental, and more.

    For more information about CBI, check out their website HERE. If you are interested in ways you can get involved. reach out to Pastor Brian HERE.

  • Every three years, our St. John Youth (grades 7-12) partner with Lutherhaven Ministries to send a team of students to the Silver Valley in Idaho. There, students have the opportunity to work with local individuals and organizations in the Silver Family in a variety of ways, from painting and construction, assisting with VBS and Day Camps, to lawn care and cleaning.

    Know a student who is interested in attending this servant trip? Reach out to David HERE for more information.