
Lutheran Indian Ministries- at Lutheran Indian Ministries is to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ with Native American peoples, disciple Native leaders to share the Gospel with their brothers and sisters, and address social sufferings in a way that values Native cultures.

SHARE- Share’s mission is to lead the hungry and homeless to self-sufficiency by providing food, shelter, housing, education, advocacy and compassion through the strength of our community.



Winter Hospitality Overflow (WHO)- An organization in Vancouver, Washington, devoted to helping those in need during winter’s coldest months.  Guests are offered not only a warm place to sleep, but a hot shower, meal, and the welcome and warmth of a caring community working to address the most basic of human needs.

County Wide Chaplaincy-  To provide a chaplain to the scene of any traumatic injury or death within Clark County when requested by the emergency responders. County-Wide Chaplaincy provides hope through emotional and spiritual support to the community and to emergency responders in crisis.

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Open House Ministries- Is committed to equipping homeless families with tools necessary for resolving issues that lead to poverty and homelessness. We dedicate ourselves to helping homeless families restore healthy relationships with each other, their community and Christ.

FISH- FISH of Vancouver provides emergency, nutritionally-based food without charge to anyone declaring their need.  Also offer free clothing to those in need.


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Local school – Sarah J. Anderson Elementary- We are a school with wonderful diversity of languages and cultures and a place where student learning is at the center of all that we do. As the site of the district’s Dual Language Program, almost half of our classes are taught bilingually in Spanish and English. We have hardworking, dedicated staff, families and community members, and it is indeed a privilege to work with everyone on behalf of our students.

World Vision- Drill Wells for Africa – We are a Christian organization working to help communities lift themselves out of poverty. For good.  

Thru Love Bank giving- Why?  Because, worldwide, people are dying from a lack of clean water and we want to help end easily preventable disease.   

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Family Promise- our mission is to help families experiencing homelessness and low-income families achieve sustainable independence through a community-based response.

Friends of the Carpenter- Is a non-profit, faith-based day facility that provides safety, structure and purpose for vulnerable members of our community. Those who come through our doors are greeted with warm hospitality, offered coffee and perhaps a snack, and then invited to sit around a table with others and help with a woodworking or other various projects.

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Clark County Food Bank- To alleviate hunger and its root causes.

Achieving our mission is done in two parts: providing emergency food relief to individuals and families, as well as implementing a preventative stance against the various causes of hunger.